Tuesday 10 December 2013

Sympathy For the Devil

So my photoshoot took place on a quiet road off Soho square and inside an old Cotton Mill in Highbury and Islington. Named sympathy for The Devil, after a Rolling Stone song, I think you get the gist of the story...

 I wanted to represent the modern party girl "self distruct" groupie style like the muse's I looked into such as Edie Sedgwick with a Rock n Roll theme. The Mood board above was my inspirations and ideas for the shoot. "Sex and Drugs and Rock n Roll" as Ian Dury would say.

I chose Soho as my main location as I there are so many good hangouts there, weather its for a glass of red at Gorden's, a Cocktail at the loft or get on your dancing Shoes for G.A.Y. Not to mention in the my favourite, Berwick street, its full of amazing art and fabric shops, surrounded by amazing coffee shops a market. Absolute vintage is a brilliant thrift store and the prices are reasonable another must stop shop is the newsagent's Wardour news (Creative Review), the range of worldwide fashion magazines are worth a look, or a treat (however some are pricey) from Purple Fashion, Numero, ID and LOVE to name just a few.

Interview with ex guitar player, Keith Oliver. From "Hue and Cry" a Rock 'n' Roll during the 60's and 70's

Kelsey "Do you remember why you started a Rock and Roll band? Who influenced you> (in terms of artists)"

Keith: "It was as simple as me and a couple of friends knowing how to play musical instruments, and we just went for it. I was greatly influenced by Buddy Holly, Shadows, The beatles and of course The Rolling Stones."

What is your most fond memory of music?

"Well theres are a few, despite the general buzz from audience as small as 50 at a wedding to 5,000. I thoroughly enjoyed " Stones in the Park" at Hyde Park. free by The Rolling stones, what seemed to be a tribute to Brian Jones who died a few days before form an overdose. Everyone seemed to be there, or going, whoever I saw or spoke to (bear in mind I was living in Birmingham) were going to Stones in the park, I think there was about 300,000 people there, ridiculous amount Everyone was wearing ddim  Denim Denim Denim, hats, shirts, jackets and jeans it was THE trend at this time.
 And then there was the fight in 66. I was playing at Weston Super mere, not far from the beach front. The festival was about 500 mods, until it got invaded by Rockers, rockers on their motorcycles, until the police finished it."

Where were "the hangouts"?

"Well in London it had to be the 2i's coffee bar, very small, very crowded place, I didn't see any shows or anything there I thought it was more of a meet up point us. Always more people outside than in. There were retro laminated chairs and furniture...
In Birmingham i loved the Kardame cafe, just full of 'wimpy bars" popping up, like a posher Mcdonalds i think.
The men would drink beer, the women would drink Brandy and Babycham."

"Where did you perform? "

"A mixture of clubs, weddings, we started off performing for free once a month at a church so we could use the space to practice. The Hammersmith pavilion and The seeder club where a few regulars. We played alongside a few other bands for gigs and festivals too like The californians, Robert Plant and The Band of Joy (who went on to join Led Zeppelin)"

"Lets talk about the Groupies.."

"Lots of bands had groupies, not just for sex, sometimes they just wanted free drinks, or a ride home. The clingers for most bands would want to just date someone form a band or try and sing with them, that was the norm. I just remember the beehives and debbie harry hairstyles, the fashion trends were ever changing, barely saw the same trend twice it was constantly changing."

"And the Drugs…"

"When the Rolling where known for it, it was a rich man's drug, nobody could afford it, such a rare thing. The only 'drug' were cigarettes, everyone smoked, all the time, non stop, not for me personally. Wacky Backy started too, Jamaican's seemed to come over late 60's. Carribean influence, bringing the shoulder uits, with baggy shoulders and baggy knees with tight ankles. Eventually LSD, uppers and downers where around too."